Fall 2023
Enrollment Cost Per Day
Half Day: $50
One Day: $100
One Month: $80
Full Semester: `$65
Scholarships may be available depending on funding. If would you like to support our scholarship fund click HERE
Enrollment Cost Per Day
Half Day: $50
One Day: $100
One Month: $80
Full Semester: `$65
Scholarships may be available depending on funding. If would you like to support our scholarship fund click HERE
Enrollment Cost Per Day
Half Day: $50
One Day: $100
One Month: $80
Full Semester: `$65
Scholarships may be available depending on funding. If would you like to support our scholarship fund click HERE
What supplies does my student need for Outdoor School?
Students will need active wear, at least a 1L water bottle, LUNCH, and an extra change of clothes.
What if my student misses their scheduled day?
You will be given an equal credit towards registration of another session of school if notice is given at least:
One week before a day of school
One month before a month or semester session
A doctor’s note is required if notice is given less than the required time frames to receive the credit
Only one credit can be given per semester per student
What if my student is late for their scheduled day?
Late Students may join the class at any time during the day but, it is the responsibility of guardians to meet outdoor school at their current location to check in late students.
What if I do not meet late or absent requirements?
You will be given a $25 credit towards another session per day missed up to 3 days per semester.